A Striebig Evolution semi-automatic vertical panel saw has led to faster and more accurate panel cutting at the Norwich branch of Amari Plastics PLC. Serving Norfolk, Suffolk and north Cambridgeshire, the branch is one of 13 operated by the UK’s leading distributor of semi-finished plastics for the signage and display, building and engineering industries.
The Evolution is designed for the fast and accurate cutting all types of plastics, laminates, wood based panels and other sheet materials.
Numerous technical features considered expensive optional extras in other saws are included as standard. They include a digital measuring system, accurate to 0.1 mm, and an adjustable precision display that can be set to an accuracy of 1.0, 0.5 or 0.1 mm, according to the thickness of the panels being sized.
The space-saving saw, which can be wall-mounted or freestanding, has a cutting depth of 80mm, a robust saw frame, a fully automatic roller locking function, an auxiliary stop section with its own tape measure, three additional auxiliary stops for repeat cuts and a small work piece support.
It is available in a variety of frame sizes with cutting areas from 3,300mm x 1,680mm x 80mm up to 5,300mm x 2,240mm x 80mm. Specials, capable of cutting up to 9,300mm x 3010mm x 80mm, can be produced on request.
Striebig Evolution chosen for automatic features
Amari Plastics chose the largest standard version, which replaced a shorter bed version, as it allows them to cut large panels of roofing sheet without problems. They were previously left hanging off the end of their old saw, with the danger of damage occurring.
Numerous automatic procedures can be carried out by the press of a button including locking and releasing the beam saw, setting the horizontal cutting height, plunging and swivelling the motor, locking the support rollers during sawing and fine saw blade adjustment, making it one of the most advanced and productive panel saws available.

Blade changing is fast and simple, reducing downtime to a minimum. To open the blade housing you simply press a knob, which locks the motor, and then use an Allen key once to loosen the blade.
Among the host of optional features to enhance performance and increase output still further are an integral scoring saw with pneumatic return, that cuts smooth edges on even the toughest of materials, a programmable electronic positioning system that can store up to 400 vertical positions to cut down on set-up time, an angle cutting unit and a depth stop for grooving jobs.
Said Amari Plastics’ Norwich branch manager Steve Longhurst: “We chose the Striebig because of the high level of the standard specification and its tough build quality.” He cited in particular its 80mm depth of cut, allowing batches of panels to be cut, its powerful motor, the efficient dust extraction system and the two-year warranty provided.
Warehouse manager Gary Marrison added that the accuracy and quality of the cut were excellent, whatever material it was used on, and that it always gave a good, square cut because of the dedicated grooves in the panel support frame. “The old saw stuttered when cutting a 20mm thick sheet of engineering plastic, but this presents no problem to the Evolution.”
He praised its efficient extraction system, with its dual extraction points at the head of the saw and in the bed. This has resulted in far less swarf being created so they no longer have to sweep up around the machine several times a day.
Swiss-made Striebig saws are available from sole UK agent, Leicester-based T.M. Machinery Sales. They are also used at several other Amari branches and specialist centres.
For further information contact Matt Pearce, Sales Director on 0116 271 7155 or email sales@tmservices.co.uk
Issued by Stephen Barry Publicity. Tel: 020 8341 6660. Email: stephenbarry@clara.co.uk