Investing in a Striebig Compact vertical panel saw has brought greater accuracy and ease of use to the sizing of sheet materials at Avon Timber.

The independent Coventry timber merchant supplies national house builders, construction companies, shopfitters, export packers, joiners and local builders.

Within its 2.5 acre site are 25,000 sq. ft. of covered storage space which contains a stockholding worth £400,000 and a mill with full machining facilities. It is an agent for the Jeld-Wen range of doors, windows and stairs and Forest Garden Products.

Striebig Compact Vertical Panel Saw

Its new-look Compact 4164, which has a maximum cutting size of 3100 x 1644mm and a cutting depth of 60mm, is used to cut to size sheet materials such as plywood, chipboard and MDF as well as hardwoods used, for example, as window boards.

Said Avon Timber’s managing director Geoff Lomasney, “It’s a versatile machine that is miles better than the elderly German model it replaced.”

Amongst the features he is particularly impressed with are the saw’s base horizontal metal rollers which facilitate ease of alignment, the design of the turning head, its ease of operation, the highly efficient built-in extraction and low noise.

“Its ability to cut to square is impressive,” he said. “We can now square the top end of a sheet and produce long strips from it without having to reset the saw.”

Efficient Dust Extraction System

Like other models in the Compact series it has a re-designed control panel, saw head housing and saw head operating mechanism. Medium and small work piece supports extending along the full length of the machine means it is quick and easy to saw small pieces. Its highly efficient integral dust and chips extraction system ensures that dust levels are kept well below permitted European limits..

The Compact is based on a single, fully welded sawing frame to give decades of reliable service whilst maintaining cutting precision. It’s suitable for cutting practically all sheet material, such as MDF, plaster board, plastics and aluminium panels.

It was supplied by Striebig’s exclusive UK agent, TM Machinery Sales, of Leicester, with Avon Timber taking out a maintenance contract.

For further information contact Matt Pearce, Sales Director on 0116 271 7155 or email

Issued by Stephen Barry Publicity. Tel: 020 8341 6660. Email:

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