When Mick Bevan and Cliff Kenny were made redundant back in 2007 from their jobs at shop fitters Reflections, in Rugby, they decided to pool their redundancy money and set up their own joinery business.

They bought various items of second hand equipment to get them started, including an elderly Striebig Standard vertical panel saw from their former employer, and today their business, Bevenny Manufacturing, is thriving.

Said Mick Bevan: “It was quite tough at first as we began during the challenging times of the Recession, which was not our choice, but luckily things have worked out well and we haven’t looked back.”

So far they have created six new jobs, including hiring several former colleagues, and have taken on an apprentice. After Bevenny’s Striebig Standard recently reached the end of its working life it was decided to replace it with a more up-to-date vertical panel saw.

“We had both been using Striebig saws for many years and have a good working relationship with the machines’ suppliers, T.M. Machinery, who look after all of our machine maintenance,” said Mr Bevan. “So when it came to choosing a new saw we had no hesitation in sticking with Striebig. There was no need to look anywhere else.”

Striebig Compact replaces old wall saw

Their new entry-level Compact 5220 is used to size various types of sheet material ranging from MDF to veneered pre-finished board and laminates. With a cutting range of 4600 x 2200 x 60mm, the Compact features central support and small parts support over the entire length of the saw, making the cutting of small work pieces very easy. This feature is greatly appreciated by Bevenny’s two owners, who are both a very much hands-on presence in the factory.

Bevenny Manufacturing's co-directors Mick Bevan (left) and Cliff Kenny with their new Striebig.
Bevenny Manufacturing’s co-directors Mick Bevan (left) and Cliff Kenny with their new Striebig.

“We picked the Compact model because we use a lot of Jumbo size boards measuring 2070 x 2600mm and needed the machine’s height,” said Mr Bevan. “It’s the ideal tool for us as it does exactly what we need it do, and does it extremely well.”

The saw was supplied with an optional scribing blade to prevent chipping, or breaking out, on laminated panels. This is now a much quicker operation as before the laminate boards had to be taken to a DIM saw for scribing.

T.M Machinery also supplied and installed an AL-KO AAS twin bag mobile dust extractor unit with upgraded fine dust filters, linked to the saw. This reduces the amount of dust in the air during sawing to an absolute minimum.

The Compact is suitable for cutting practically all sheet materials, including MDF, plaster board, plastics and aluminium panels.

Each of the nine models in the Compact series is now available in an AV version incorporating an automatic cut cycle facility to make them even more productive. This feature was previously only found on Striebig’s more expensive models.

After specialising solely on shop fitting at first, working for design agencies commissioned by leading up-market London stores, Bevenny Manufacturing have diversified into supplying educational furniture for schools. They also produce units for museums and make exhibition stands.

For further information contact Matt Pearce, Sales Director on 0116 271 7155 or email sales@tmservices.co.uk

Issued by Stephen Barry Publicity. Tel: 020 8341 6660. Email: stephenbarry@clara.co.uk

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